During this unprecedented "safer in place" response to COVID-19, we will offer a weekly,
recorded Bible Study in the Gospel of Luke. Grab your Bible and join me (any time) as we study
our way through this profound Gospel story about Jesus Christ.
irtual Bible Study with Pastor SethV
During this unprecedented "safer in place" response to COVID-19, we will offer a weekly,
recorded Bible Study in the Gospel of Luke. Grab your Bible and join me (any time) as we study
our way through this profound Gospel story about Jesus Christ.
Sunday Worship Livestream!
Please enjoy this livestream of our Sunday Worship Services at 8:30am (classical) and 10:00am (contemporary). Before the service, please scroll down and download the worship service bulletin and sermon notes! Also, please email us at info@redhillchurch.org if you are experiencing any problems viewing our livestream. You may also view our service at facebook.com/redhilllutheran. YOU DO NOT NEED A FACEBOOK ACCOUNT TO VIEW! Finally, please find your way to our giving tab to make your weekly offering. Thank you and enjoy the service!
Leadership Groups
252 Basics Ministry Team - Shelli Haynes
252 Small Group Leaders - Shelli Haynes
Board of Directors - Scott Browne
Endowment Committee - Doug Lehman
Finance Committee - Gary Fortner
First Look SGLs - Carmen Gogosha
First Look Ministry Team - Carmen Gogosha
Lay Ministry Team - Marty Schaefer
Missions/Outreach Team - Pastor Joel Kelly
RHLC Ministry Leaders - Angie Calderon
RHLC Trust - John Garner
RHL School Board - Danalyn Belgen
RHLW Council - Angie Calderon
XP3-HS SGLs - Jennifer Brenner
XP3-MS SGLs - Jennifer Brenner